Education and Career
1978 – graduated from the Kharkov Institute of Radioelectronics.
1978-1983 – on the released Komsomol work.
1983-1999 – junior research assistant, post-graduate student, assistant, senior lecturer, assistant professor of microelectronics, scientific secretary of the scientific-research part (SRP), deputy chief of the SRP, deputy vice-rector for scientific work.
1998 – defended his thesis for the degree of candidate of technical sciences.
2008 – defended his thesis for the degree of Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, specialty 01.04.01 – physics of devices, elements and systems.
1999-2018 – Vice-rector for scientific work of Kharkov National University of Radio Electronics.
Main place of work – Leading researcher of Institute for Scintillation Materials of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Educational activity
Teaches courses: materials of electronic engineering, materials science in electronics.
Researcher activity
Carries out work and leadership in the specialty: physics of devices, elements and systems, solid-state electronics, within which introduced the newest specialization “Nanoelectronics and Nanotechnology”.
Supervises the training of doctors of sciences in the specialty “Microelectronics and semiconductor devices”, within the framework of which the newest specialization “Nanoelectronics and nanotechnologies” is being introduced.
As a associate professor at the Department of Microelectronics, Electronics Devices and Appliances, he works on the training of engineering personnel. Much effort is devoted to scientific and scientific-organizational work, combining them with the educational process.
Organized and ensured the creation of 3 new specialized councils for the protection of doctoral dissertations and the opening of two new specialties in promising areas. Under his leadership, 130 international scientific conferences and seminars, 5 international radio-electronic forums “Applied radioelectronics. State and Development Prospects”, 20 international youth forums ” «Radio electronics and youth in the XXIst century»”, which became not only in Ukraine but also abroad.
Has prepared 11 candidates of sciences, actively continues fruitful scientific work and a management of post-graduate students and doctoral students.
International activity / participation in international projects
2002 – Academician of The Acad Applied Radio Electronics (AS ARE).
2006-2014 – Member of the Bureau of the Council of Vice-Rectors for Scientific Work of Ukrainian Universities.
2006-2012 – Member of the Coordinating Council of National Scientific and Technical Programs “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics” and “Nanophysics and Nanotechnologies”.
2007 – Member of the Bureau of the Presidium of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Moldova, was awarded the Gold Medal of the Academy.
2008 – Organizer and direct leader of the annual International Scientific Conference “Functional Base of Nanoelectronics”.
Social activities
2009-2011 – Chairman of the Expert Council for Electronics and Energy of the State Accreditation Commission of Ukraine.
2010 – works in two specialized scientific councils for defending doctoral dissertations, one of which is chairman.
2010 – Deputy Chairman of the Coordination Council of the Association of Alumni and Friends of KhIRE-KhTURE-NURE. He was a deputy of the Dzerzhinsky district council of Kharkov of two convocations.
2011 – scientific supervisor of projects within the framework of the Ukrainian-Russian Program for the development of cooperation in the field of nanotechnology.
2013 – Chief Editor of the All-Ukrainian Interdepartmental Scientific and Technical Collection “Radiotekhnika”.
2014 – President of the Academy of Sciences of Applied Radio Electronics, which unites profile research institutions and universities, reputable scientists and organizers of science.
2015 – Chairman of the Coordination Council of the Regional Cluster “Information and Communication Technologies”.
2017 – Vice-President of the Academy of Sciences of Applied Radio Electronics.
State Awards
He was awarded with Honorary Diplomas of Ministry of Education of Ukraine, Kharkiv Regional State Administration and Kharkov City Council.
2006 – awarded the Honorary MES of Ukraine “For scientific achievements”.
2008 – awarded the Diploma of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine “For Merits to the Ukrainian People”.
2013 – awarded the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of science and technology. Repeatedly his work was noted in the orders of the Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine and the rector of the university.
Publications and patents
Author of more than 450 scientific works, 8 manuals, 10 scientific and methodological developments, 10 monographs, more 270 scientific articles in specialized publications and more than 100 foreign publications included in international science-metric databases were published under his editorship and co-authorship.