All time | Last 5 years | |
Citations | 5499 | 2394 |
h-index | 38 | 26 |
i10-index | 91 | 65 |
Education and career
Marcus Frohme, born in 1967.
In 1995 he graduated from the University of Heidelberg with a degree in Biology.
In 2001 he received a PhD degree (Doctor of Philosophy). The dissertation was defended at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Heidelberg.
In the period from 2001 to 2006 – Deputy Head of the Department of “Functional Genomics” of the German Research Institute for Cancer Research (German Cancer Res. Center Heidelberg (DKFZ))
Since 2007 he has been Professor of Molecular Biology at the Technical University of Applied Sciences Wildau (TH Wildau) and Head of the Department of Molecular Biology and Functional Genomics at the Faculty of Biosystems Engineering and Bioinformatics.
Since 2012 prof. Frome was appointed research professor.
Since 2019 – Chairman of the Academic Council of the Technical University of Applied Sciences Wildau.
In the period from 2016 to 2019 – Chairman of the Ethics Commission.
2016 – Co-founder of Oculyze Ltd. Wildau (smart phone based microscopy image recognition systems)
2017 – co-founder of BIOMES NGS Ltd. Wildau (microbiome analyzes with NGS)
Since 2012 – an expert of the international committee for standardization ISO / TC 276 “Biotechnology”
Educational activity
Heads the department, which has about 20 people. Research subjects cover a very broad spectrum of biomedicine/pharmaceuticals and the environment.
NGS, qPCR, various methods of mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF, LC-MS/MS, GC-MS) and microscopy are used in the laboratory of the department. The laboratory has a very high level of automation. The laboratory area is more than 300 square meters (excluding offices and student laboratories) and contains laboratories for working with GMOs and pathogens (up to S3** security level).
Prof. Frome is the guarantor of the specialty “Biosystems engineering and bioinformatics” at the master’s level of the Technical University of Applied Sciences Wildau and teaches the course “Microbiology”.
Research activities
In the period from 2007, Prof. Frome has received more than €8 million in funding from the German Ministry of Science and Technology, the German Ministry of Economic Affairs, the Brandenburg Ministry of Science, various industrial partners, the German Academic Exchange Service DAAD.
International activities / participation in international projects
In the period from 2017, Prof. Frome promotes scientific cooperation between Wildau University and KhNURE. First, within the framework of the COST grant program, CA15110 – Harmonizing standardization strategies to increase efficiency and competitiveness of European life-science research (CHARME), and then the international standardization committee ISO/TC 276 Biotechnology and the cooperation agreement between KhNURE and Wildau University, according to in which students, postgraduates and teachers of the Department of Systems Engineering conduct scientific research on the basis of the Technical University of Applied Sciences Wildau, Germany. One example is the recent scientific visit of post-graduate student Gubarenko M., who received a grant to conduct research on medical image processing using deep learning networks at the Wildau University in the period from November 16 to December 14, 2021 in accordance with the STIBET program, scientific supervisors – Prof. Nechiporenko and Prof. Frome.
From September 27 to October 8, 2021, two German-Ukrainian DAAD autumn schools “Lessons of Biomedicine Learned from Nanotechnology and Artificial Intelligence” were held on the basis of Kharkiv University of Radio Electronics and Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University under the leadership of Professor Frome. The autumn schools were organized by the Wildau Technical University of Applied Sciences in cooperation with KhNURE and Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University with the support of the German Academic Exchange Service DAAD and the German-Ukrainian Academic Society. DAAD fall schools are dedicated to the problems of interdisciplinarity in the context of creating new developments related to the application of nano- and artificial intelligence technologies in biomedical research https://www.nano-ai-biomed.de
- more than 80 scientific publications in journals of the 1st and 2nd quartiles;
- more than 20 chapters and book reviews;
- more than 100 short publications (posters, abstracts, etc.).
Gossing, W., Radke, L., Biering, H., Diederich, S., Mai, K., & Frohme, M. (2021). The ElonginB/C-Cullin5-SOCS-Box-Complex Is a Potential Biomarker for Growth Hormone Disorders. Biomedicines, 9(2), 201.
Glökler, J., Lim, T. S., Ida, J., & Frohme, M. (2021). Isothermal amplifications – a comprehensive review on current methods. Critical reviews in biochemistry and molecular biology, 56(6), 543–586.
Bahreini, F., Jabbari, P., Gossing, W., Aziziyan, F., Frohme, M., & Rezaei, N. (2021). The role of noncoding RNAs in pituitary adenoma. Epigenomics, 13(17), 1421–1437.
7 EU patents