Liliia Saikivska

Liliia Saikivska
Associate Professor of the Department of Radiotechnologies Information and Communication Systems, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, IEEE Member № 96585840, member of EMC
Scopus ID: 57210371663
Documents by author:5
Total citations:30
Google Scholar ID: yFaucpsAAAAJ&hl
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

1997 – she graduated the Radio Engineering College (Smela) on the specialty Radioequipment.

2002 – she graduated from the Kharkov National University of Radio Electronics and received a qualified radio engineer with a specialty “Radio-electronic devices, systems and complexes”.

2005-2006 – worked at the department of radio electronic devices intern researcher.

2006 – enrolled in postgraduate studies of Radio Electronic Devices Department KNURE.

2009 – assistant in the Department of Radio Engineering Department KNURE.

2011 – defended the dissertation " Information technology of evaluating an operator’s visual profile functional state" on the specialty 05.13.09 – Medical and Biological Informatics and Cybernetics.

September 2014 – 2018  – got an academic title of Associate Professor of radiotechnologies of information and communication systems Department KNURE.

2011-2017 acted as Deputy Dean for the teaching and methodical work of the faculty IRTIS.

2018 – 2021 – Associate Professor, Department of Microprocessor Technologies and Systems.

2021 – Associate Professor, Department of Radiotechnologies Information and Communication Systemsю

Educational activity

Teaches disciplines:

  • Electronic components of telecommunication and radio engineering systems;
  • Programming languages of microprocessor systems;
  • Microcontrollers AVR and PIC in RED;
  • Life cycle models of integrated IS;
  • Quality assurance methods for the developed information system.

Research activities

Research interests: research and development of embedded information and communication systems on the basis of modern microcontrollers and programmable logic integrated circuits in biomedicine.

Publications and patents

Has over 60 publications, including 1 patent and more than 15 articles