h-index: | 0 |
Documents by author: | 0 |
Total citations: | 0 |
All time | Last 5 years | |
Citations | 91 | 7 |
h-index | 5 | 2 |
i10-index | 1 | 0 |
Education and Career
1992 – Graduates with honors from the Kharkov Institute of Radio Electronics named after. ac. M.K. Yangelya, speciality “radioengineering”.
1992 – an intern-researcher in the problem research laboratory of the fundamentals of radio engineering
Candidate of Technical Sciences since 1997.
Associate Professor since 2002.
Doctor of Technical Sciences since 2007 (Specialties 05.12.17 – radio and television systems.)
The theme of the thesis is “The development of theory and the improvement of meteor-burst radio communication and synchronization systems”.
Since 2008 – Professor of the Department of Radio Engineering.
Since 2011 – Head of the Department of Radioelectronic Devices.
Since 2014 he has been Head of the Department of Radio Engineering (now Department of Computer Radio Engineering and Technical Information Security Systems).
Educational activity
Teaches courses: “Methods of adaptation in communication networks”, “Signal processing in TIS systems”, “Wide band signals in radio systems”.
Research activities
Head of state budget research on topics of remote sensing of the atmosphere and studying meteor phenomena.
Scientific leader of the Balakleja geophysical complex. Member of the Academic Council D64.052.03. Scientific interests: meteor spread of radio waves, meteor radar.
Publications and patents
More than 50 published works, 2 monographs including. “Remote sensing of the Earth’s atmosphere” (co-authored), “Development of the theory and improvement of radio-meteor systems of communication and synchronization” (co-authored).
Has 7 patents and copyright certificates.