Igor V. Naumeyko

Igor V. Naumeyko
Associate professor of Applied Mathematics, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate professor, Member of the NURE Alumni Association
Google Scholar ID: NlIKa4wAAAAJ
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

1974 – graduated from the Kharkiv Institute of Radio Electronics (KhIRE), specialty “Applied Mathematics”.

1975-1978 – Postgraduate student of the Kharkiv Institute of Radio Electronics, specialty “Computational Mathematics”.

1985 – Candidate of Technical Sciences (PhD), dissertation was defended at the KhIRE, specialty 05.13.01 – Management in Technical Systems.

Since 1992, he has held the academic title of Associate Professor of Applied Mathematics.

1996-1999 – Doctoral studies.

Educational activity

Teaches the courses: Operations research, Simulation modeling, Applied problems and methods of system analysis, Qualitative theory of differential equations, Optimization methods, Systems of computer mathematics.

Researcher activity

1982-1990 – Senior Researcher and the responsible executor of commercial and state budget research projects.


Publications and patents

Has over 90 publications, including monograph, an inventor’s certificate