Grigorij Chetverykov

Grigorij  Chetverykov
Professor of Software Engineering Department, Chief Editor of Scientific Journal "Bionics of Intelligence", Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor
Google Scholar ID: FMo8no4AAAAJ
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

In 1974 he graduated from Kharkiv Institute of Radio Electronics, specializing in Applied Mathematics and qualified as an “engineer-mathematician”.
1976 – assistant of the department of computer use, Kharkiv Institute of Radio Electronics.

1980 – candidate of technical sciences in specialty 05.13.01 – technical cybernetics and information theory.
1980 – associate professor of computer use department, Kharkiv Institute of Radio Electronics.
1986 – received the academic rank of associate professor.
2010 – Doctor of Technical Sciences in specialty 05.13.23 – systems and means of artificial intelligence.
2010 – Professor of Informatics Department of Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics.

2010 – received the academic rank of professor of the department of computer science.
2007 – Head of the Department of Information Technologies of the Kharkov Institute of Banking of the University of Banking of the National Bank of Ukraine.
2008 – Professor of the Department of Information Technologies of the Kharkiv Institute of Educational Sciences ” National University of Radio Electronics “.

Educational activity

Teaches disciplines: Data Analysis, Image and Multimedia Processing, Structural Analysis and Intelligent Processing of Multidimensional Data, Algorithms and Data Structures, Computer Science and Algorithmization.

Research activities

Participated as a responsible executor of a number of research papers. He was the executor of state budget research “Models and methods of granulation and interpretation of multidimensional data”, “Neuro-phase systems for current clusterization and classification of data sequences in the conditions of their distortion by absent and abnormal observations”
In 1987-88 he had a scientific internship at Dresden University (Germany).

Since 2012, a member of the specialized academic council for the defense of dissertations at the Kharkov National University of Radio Electronics.
Areas of scientific activity: computer vision systems, image recognition, intelligent analysis of multidimensional data.

International activities / participation in international projects

2017-18 – Scientific internship at Dresden Technical University (Germany). I took part in a number of international conferences on the territory of Ukraine

Social activities 

Member sciens Coordinator problem «Information. Artificial. Intellectual.»  NASU Ukraine.

Publications and patents

Has more than 300 publications, including 270   monographs and a textbook with a stamp of the MONU. Has 30 articles in the scientific and metrical databases of Scopus, Web of Sciences, 5 copyright certificates and patents.