Eugenia Litvinova

Eugenia Litvinova
Professor of the Department of Computer Aided Design of Computers,Scientific Secretary of the Specialized Scientific Council, Deputy Chief Editor "Radioelectronics and Informatics", Dr. of Science, Professor
Google Scholar ID: -owoIXcAAAAJ
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

1985 – Designer-Technologist of Radioelectronic Apparatus, Faculty of Radio and Computing Apparatus Design, Kharkov Institute of Radioelectronics,

1996 – Ph.D, Computer-Aided Design,

2010 – D.Sc., Computer Engineering.

Educational activity

1996 – 1998 Senior lecturer (Electronic Apparatus Faculty, Kharkov National University of Radioelectronics);

1999 – 2009 Ass. Professor (Electronic Apparatus, Kharkov National University of Radioelectronics);

2010 – till now Professor of  Design Automation Department, Computer Engineering Faculty, Kharkov National University of Radioelectronics.

Research activities

1) Development of dataware and software of computer-aided preproduction system for the State Research Centre of Normative-Technical Labour Materials.

2) Staff member of the Tempus Project No. 530785-TEMPUS-1-2012-PL-TEMPUS-JPCR Curricula Development for New Specialization: Master of Engineering in Microsystems Design.

International activity

A member of organizing committee of IEEE East-West Design & Test Symposium from 2007 till now.

Social activities

Scientific Secretary of the Specialized Academic Councils on Thesis Defense, D 64.052.01


1) 2002 – a letter of commendation from Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

2) 2010 – a honorable sign “The High Achiever of Education”, Ukraine.

Publications and patents

200 publications, 4  patents.