Education and Career
1967 – graduated from the Kharkiv Aviation Institute, Kharkiv, Ukraine as radio engineer by specialty “Technical maintenance of aviation radio equipment”.
1967–1979 – engineer and senior engineer with the Marshal L.A. Govorov Military Engineering Radio Technical Academy (MERTA) of Air Defense, Kharkiv, Ukraine.
1976 – Candidate of technical sciences (equivalent of PhD) Specialty: Radar and Navigation.
1988 – Doctor of technical sciences Specialty: Radar and Navigation.
1979–1993 Senior Researcher with MERTA and later with Kharkiv Military University (KhMU).
1993–2003 leading researcher with Scientific Center of KhMU.
2000 – Professor.
2003 – †27.09.2019: leading researcher, chief researcher with the Research Center of integrated information systems and technologies of the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics (KhNURE), Kharkiv, Ukraine. Supervisor of the Research&Development laboratory of Radar Surveillance Systems.
Educational activity
Supervisor of 19 successfully defended theses for candidate of technical sciences degree.
Researcher activity
Main direction of scientific activities is the space-time adaptive processing of signals embedded in different kind interferences in information systems of various purposes.
Creator and leader of a new scientific and technological direction – the adaptive space-time signal processing on the basis of adaptive lattice filters.
Main scientific results are related to: – the theory and techniques of adaptive radar interference protection; – methods accounting for a priori information in order to enhance adaptive processing efficiency; – statistical analysis of “superresolving” methods of the space-time spectral analysis.
Co-author of three books including two editions of Handbook “Radio electronic systems: foundations of building and theory”, 1997 and 2007; author and co-author of over 200 scientific articles and papers presented at domestic and international scientific and technical conferences, 34 inventions and patents including those introduced in serial appliances. Supervisor of theoretic and experimental investigations, and of the planned and initiative research work.
Official opponent of theses for candidate and doctor of science degrees. Member of specialized Academic Council with the National Aerospace University – Kharkiv Aviation Institute; member of editorial boards of journals “Applied Radio Electronics” and Izvestiya vuzov. Radioelektronika”.
International activity / participation in international projects
Guest speaker at plenary sessions and head of sessions at international scientific and technical conferences.
Publications and patents
Over 200 publications. 34 inventor’s certificates and 4 patents.