Artem Akulynichev

Artem Akulynichev
Associate professor the Department of Infocommunication Engineering V.V. Popovsky, Ph.D., Associate professor
Google Scholar ID: p62u58IAAAAJ
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

University: State aerospace university M. Zhukovsky “Kharkov aviation anstitute” (KhAI), 1994 – 2000, specialty “Biotechnical and medical devices and systems”;

Postgraduate studies: National aerospace university N. Zhukovsky “Kharkov aviation institute” (KhAI), 2000 – 2003.

2003 – assistant of the department of reception, transmission and processing of signals, KhAI;

2005  –senior lecturer of the department of reception, transmission and processing of signals, KhAI;

2007  –associate professor of the department of reception, transmission and processing of signals at KhAI (since January 2017, department of infocommunication engineering named after A.A. Zelensky);

2011-2018 – deputy dean of the faculty of radio engineering systems of aircraft of the KhAI (since January 2017, faculty of radio electronics, computer systems and infocommunications);

 2019 – associate professor of the department of infocommunication engineering V.V. Popovsky KhNURE.

Educational activity

Teaches courses: “Introduction to the specialty”, “Virtual private networks”, “Basics of IP networks”, “Administration and protection of infrastructure of multimedia services”, “Information Technology”.

Cisco Networking Academy instructor.

Research activities

Scientific interests: routing algorithms and protocols in the TCS; traffic management and quality of service in the TCS; information security.


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