Andriy Yegorov

Andriy Yegorov
Professor of Information and Measurement Technology Department, Member of STC, PhD in Engineering Sciences, Professor
Google Scholar ID: zVf0VCoAAAAJ
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

In 1978 finished the Kharkov institute of radio electronics on speciality «radio engineering”.

Ph.D. – 1991. Thesis defended at Kharkov institute of radio electronics.

2000 – is a deputy of pro-rector on science of Kharkov institute of radio electronics.

2004 Professor of department of Metrology and technical expertise.

Educational activity

Teaches courses: reliability in a technique, estimation of accordance, models of quality management.

Researcher activity

2000 – 2004 is a deputy of pro-rector on science of Kharkov institute of radio electronics.

From 1998 to 2012 he served as head of the research laboratory of tests of programmatic facilities fnd information technologies.

As part of the state budget R & D was involved in 8 research projects.

Scientific leader of 12 research contractual projects.

Scientific leader of 2 Ph.D. research projects.

Direction of scientific activity is methods of improvement and introduction models of quality management.

International activity / participation in international projects

Participant in international scientific and technical seminars, symposiums, conferences.

Publications and patents

Has over 100 publications, including 1 monographs, 3 inventor’s certificate, 1 patent.

  • inventor’s certificate USSR 1008666,1983, І. 12
  • inventor’s certificate USSR 1298690,1987, І. 11
  • inventor’s certificate USSR 1345126,1987, І. 38

Patent Ukrain №73394, 7 G 01N21/45, Bul. №7, 15.07.2005