Anatoliy Bykh

Anatoliy Bykh
Professor of the Department Of Biomedical Engeneering, Doctor, Professor, Member of the NURE Alumni Association
Google Scholar ID: wmi5KFQAAAAJ&hl
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

In 1962 he graduated with honors from Kharkiv Mining Institute, specialty – Mining Automation. After graduating from the Institute from 1962 to 1965, he worked as an engineer, senior engineer at the Luhansk branch of the “Diprovuglemash” Institute, where he introduced a new coal mining equipment at the Donbas mines. Since 1965 he has been working at KNURE (formerly HIGMAVET, KHIR, HUTUR) as a senior engineer, assistant, senior lecturer at the department of technical electronics.

In 1973 he defended his thesis for the degree of the candidate of technical sciences on the topic – “Investigation of the phenomenon of electrochemiluminescence and the development of new electronic devices and devices based on it”. From 1975 to 1979 – associate professor of the department of ultrahigh-frequency physics (MVV). From 1975 to 1980 – Dean of the Faculty of Electronics, KIRI, since 1979 – Head of the Department of Theoretical Foundations of Electrical Engineering.

In 1990 he defended his doctoral dissertation in the field of physical electronics.

From 1996 to 2017 – the head of the department of biomedical electronic devices and systems.

Since 2017 – Professor of the Department of Biomedical Engineering.

Educational activity

I started teaching in 1966. He studied courses: the use of electronic devices, electronic and semiconductor devices, theoretical foundations of electrical engineering, the basis of electrical engineering and electronics, etc. Developed and integrated new courses: optoelectronics, physical basis of functional electronics. He took an active part in creating the first specialty in Ukraine – electronic medical equipment, and also was the head of the department of the first in Ukraine specialty “Biomedical engineering”.

Research activities

The founder and head of the unique scientific school in the CIS on the study of a new physical phenomenon – electrochemiluminescence (ECL) – in order to develop devices and devices of various applications (from medical to microelectronic). The ECL Group has existed since 1968, it has developed the theoretical foundations of ECL, the methods of transformation, storage, transformation and transmission of information, as well as ECL analyzers of various liquids and surfaces of solid conductive bodies. Has more than 40 patents and inventions in the field of liquid phase electronics and biomedical engineering.

Member of the Academy of Applied Radio Electronics, Deputy Chairman of the Scientific and Methodological Commission (BMC) of the BMI of Ukraine, was a member of the NMC of the USSR on the theoretical foundations of electrical engineering, as well as a member of the NMC of Ukraine on electronics, electrical engineering and electronic apparatus. The deputy chairman of two specialized councils for the defense of candidate and doctoral dissertation (KNURE).

He trained three doctors and 14 candidates of sciences. Managed over 30 research papers in the field of physical electronics and biomedical engineering.

International activity / participation in international projects

Participated in 5 international scientific projects

Social activities

He was chairman of the KIRI Labor Committee. Participated in the development of higher education standard on specialty 163 – Biomedical Engineering for undergraduate (bachelor) level of higher education and for the second (Master) level of higher education.

State Awards

For many years of scientific and pedagogical work he has been awarded the honorary signs “Excellence in Education of Ukraine” and “For Scientific Achievements”, certificates of honor of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the Presidium of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, and the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

Publications and patents

Has over 320 scientific and methodological works, including 6 monographs, 9 textbooks in the field of electrical engineering and electronics.

Patents – 40