Scientific school on the theory of telecommunication systems


Founder of the scholar school: Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Volodymyr V. Popovsky.

Famous representatives of the scholar school:

Doctors of Sciences: Professor Oliynyk V.F., Professor Marchuk L.A., Professor Titarenko L.O., Professor Lemeshko O.V., Professor Kolyadenko Yu.Yu., Professor Yevsieieva O.Yu., Professor Ageiev D.V. Professor Garkusha S.V., Professor Shostko I.S., Associate Professor Yeremenko O.S., Associate Professor Duravkin Ye.V., Associate Professor Moskalets M.V.;

Candidates of Sciences: Associate Professor Yevdokymenko M.O., Associate Professor Kovalenko T.M., Associate Professor Radivilova T.A. etc.

Areas of research:

methods of optimal control and evaluation of telecommunication systems (TCS) state based on the implementation of dynamic (differential) formalisms and structures;

theoretical foundations of structural and functional construction of infocommunication systems and management of their resources based on the implementation of tensor methodology of research;

development of service management systems in multi-service networks, including cloud networks, methods of verification of network protocols based on the use of artificial intelligence methods and E-networks apparatus;

theoretical bases of designing and restructuring telecommunication systems and networks based on the use of multilayer graphs;

methods of providing quality of service and fault tolerance of next generation networks on the basis of optimization of traffic management and routing processes;

research of statistical characteristics of traffic in telecommunication networks based on the theory of fractals and self-similar processes;

models and methods of providing information and network security in TCS, developing risk assessment systems, finding vulnerabilities and detecting network attacks;

methods and technologies for controlling time-frequency resource in 4G and 5G wireless networks.

The most significant scientific achievements:

  1. Formation of the general structure of the theory of telecommunication systems, its mathematical foundations, directions of filling and development on the basis of principles and postulates of the general theory of systems and the concept of “System policy rules”. Construction of a system of mathematical models of telecommunication systems that adequately reflect their structural and functional characteristics.
  2. Development of symplectic multidimensional TCS models for the estimation of connectivity, structural complexity and heterogeneity.
  3. Development of differential stochastic models of TCS reflecting the dynamics of changes in the state of network elements, network fragments or systems in general, allowing to evaluate such properties of TCS as controllability, stability, optimality, etc.
  4. Tensor models of TCS, which provide the possibility of an invariant representation of the system as a whole and processes in it, for solving traffic control tasks, including routing and fast re-routing, traffic profiling and network resource reservation with quality of service provision according to a set of network performance (NP) and QoE indicators.
  5. Methods of adaptive space-time processing of signals in a complex signal-to-noise-and-interference situation in mobile communication systems based on antenna arrays implementation. Methods of introducing Smart-antenna technology in mobile and wireless access systems. Models and methods of multi-station multiple access based on the active use of space, polarization, and time physical resources of mobile communication systems.
  6. Techniques and methods of providing electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) in dual situations and grouping of electronic devices. Methods of providing EMC adapted to wireless systems and 3G and 4G networks. Proposals on modernization of selecting operating modes and design of antennas.
  7. Methods of ensuring the efficient use of Bluetooth, DECT, Wi-Fi, Wi-MAX, LTE systems for subscriber radio access systems toward the implementation of adaptive POFR, MIMO systems.
  8. Development of proposals for implementation of the Fixed-Mobile Communication (FMS) concept, fully optical systems, the concept of Next Generation Networking (NGN) and further development of the 4G, IMS and SOA platform.

During the existence of the scholar school, 10 doctoral and more than 50 candidate theses were defended mainly in the field of specialties 05.12.02 – telecommunication systems and networks, 05.12.13 – radio engineering devices and telecommunication facilities; 7 monographs were published, 4 of them – abroad, 8 textbooks classified by Ministry of Education and Science, more than 200 articles and more than 300 reports at conferences (including international conferences of the IEEE and Scopus level). The developed technical solutions are protected by more than 20 patents for the invention and utility model. More than 20 SRWs were performed.

The representatives of the scholar school have been annually organizing and holding the International IEEE Conference «Problems of Infocommunications. Science and Technology, (PICS&T)» since 2014, the International Scientific and Technical Conference “Problems of Electromagnetic Compatibility of Advanced Wireless Telecommunication Networks (EMC) ” – since 2015, the open scientific seminar “Problems of Mathematical Modeling of Telecommunication Systems “(PMM-TCS) – since 2010, and since 2010 the e-journal “Problemy telekommunikacij” has been published, which is included in the list of professional editions of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.