Olena Stepanova
Associate professor of Economic Сybernetics and Management of Economic Security Department, Candidate of Economic Sciences, PhD, Associate professor
Iryna Sheiko
Associate professor of Economic Сybernetics and Management of Economic Security Department, Candidate of Economic Sciences, PhD
Dariia Shekhovtsova
Assistant professor of the Department of Economic Сybernetics and Management of Economic Security, PhD in Economics
Oleksandr Kurdenko
Senior lecturer of Department of Economic Сybernetics and Management of Economic Security, Deputy Dean of ITM Faculty
Olena Vasilievna Peresada
Senior lecturer of Department of Economic Сybernetics and Management of Economic Security
Inna Pribylnova
Serhii Stepanenko
Доцент кафедри економічної кібернетики та управління економічною безпекою, кандидат економічних наук, доцент
Nataliia Pomohalova
Engineer of 1st category, assistant of Department of Economic Сybernetics and Management of Economic Security
Yuri Romanenkov
Vice-Rector for Scientific Work, Deputy Head of STC, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Electronic Computers, Professor of Department of Economic Сybernetics and Management of Economic Security, Professor