Nataliia Pomohalova

Nataliia Pomohalova
Engineer of 1st category, assistant of Department of Economic Сybernetics and Management of Economic Security
Google Scholar ID: ItFjtNkAAAAJ
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

2006 – graduated from Kharkiv Banking Institute of Ukrainian Academy of Banking of National Bank of Ukraine, specialty «Accounting and auditing», qualification – master’s degree in accounting and auditing;

2006–2011 – postgraduate student of Department of Economic Сybernetics in Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics;

since 2011 – engineer of 1st category of Department of Economic Сybernetics and Management of Economic Security;

since 2022 – assistant of Department of Economic Сybernetics and Management of Economic Security.

 Educational activity

Teaches courses (practical and laboratory classes): «Economics and business», «Investment», «Economic Feasibility of Projects»; consultant on the economic part of qualifying works.


  1. Polozova T., Murzabulatova O., Ponomarov S., Pomohalova N. Management of investment activity of the enterprise on the basis of economic value. International scientific journal «Internauka». Series: «Economic Sciences». 2023. № 4.
  2. Sheiko I.A., Pomohalova N.V., Vozylovskyi D.M. New Industrial Strategy for Europe: Main Challenges, Priorities. In: Modern Tendencies of Sustainable Development: Theory, Methodology, Practice: monograph. Kharkiv: KNURE, 2022. P. 11-16.
  3. SheikoI.A., Pomohalova N.V., Polozov O.B. Digital Business Communities in EU. Procedings of ІІІ International scientific and practical conf. Modern strategies of economic development: science, innovation and business education (Kharkiv, Ukraine, 1st  November 2022).  Kharkiv: KNURE, 2022. P. 151-153.