On the World Science Day «History of Aerospace and Look Towards the Future»


On 15 May 2024, the V. G. Korolenko Kharkiv State Scientific Library hosted an online conference «History of Aerospace Development and a Look into the Future» as part of the Aerospace Readings. The aim of the event is to popularise science and research into the history of the aerospace industry, exchange information and research results, solve urgent problems of the aerospace industry in Ukraine and the region, and raise the prestige of the aerospace industry in times of war.

The agenda:

  • History of aerospace industry development;
  • Current state and aerospace future of Ukraine;
  • International cooperation in space exploration;
  • Impact of Russian military aggression on the aerospace industry;
  • Rocket and space developments for state defence;
  • Space ecology;
  • Space biomedicine and psychology;
  • Space technology: development and operation;
  • Nanotechnology of rocket and space technology;
  • Economics and law in space activities;
  • Synergy of scientific, educational and technological solutions in aerospace industry.

Professor Oleg Avrunin presented his report «Star Gazing and Modern Astrophotography». There is no doubt that the development of the global aerospace industry is linked to the further penetration of humanity into space. In the future, this will include mining on asteroids to extract minerals, developing the resources of the Moon, other planets of the Solar System and microsatellites, space tourism and the development of private space. However, successful implementation of the tasks of technological modernisation of aviation and development of the space industry is impossible without prompt legal regulation both in the Ukrainian legal system and at the international level. Therefore, the main condition for the sustainable development of aviation and space activities is the need to implement modern scientific and technological developments and improve the system of air and space law. The war in Ukraine, which has actually been going on for 10 years, has strongly motivated the armed forces of various countries to intensify the use of space for defence purposes.

The war demonstrated to the whole world how important the presence in outer space is for winning military conflicts. As defence needs in the space sector grow, research and development projects in this area are being actively developed and implemented. The event focused on the history of the aerospace industry, the current state and aerospace future of Ukraine, international cooperation in space exploration, the impact of Russian military aggression on the aerospace industry, rocket and space developments for state defence, nanotechnology in rocket and space technology, space ecology, space biomedicine and psychology, economics and law in space activities, and more. The Aerospace Readings were attended by scientists, teachers, students, aerospace industry specialists, employees of museums, archives, libraries, NGOs, and the media. Even in such a difficult time, the researchers of the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics continue to promote science, in particular among young people who will have to rebuild Ukraine.

Such outreach events for the community contribute to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal 4 – Quality Education.

On the World Science Day «History of Aerospace and Look Towards the Future» On the World Science Day «History of Aerospace and Look Towards the Future»

On the World Science Day «History of Aerospace and Look Towards the Future» On the World Science Day «History of Aerospace and Look Towards the Future»