Discussion “Higher education: social service or driver of economic growth”


The open discussion “Higher education: social service or driver of economic growth?” took place on the basis of “Nakipelo” media project on 20 March 2019. In this discussion Kharkiv national university of radio electronics representatives: Andrii Danylov (Senior Lecturer of Social informatics department NURE, member of the Academic council of the university, Сhairman of the Council of young scientists), Vitaliy Tkachov (Senior Lecturer of electronic computers department, Candidate of Technical Sciences, member of NURE graduates Association, Vice-chairman of the Council of young scientists) and Nikita Zdorik (first deputy of chief of NURE Student Senate) took part. The discussion took place with support and on the initiative of “RE-Start” Сivil society organization which work is directed to implementation of the principles of sustainable development in Ukraine.

The discussion was devoted to questions of the organization and implementation of educational and scientific activity and devoted to its integration with business for ensuring sustainable development of Ukraine.

During discussion such hot topics were considered:

  1. Forms of education and organizations of educational process;
  2. Features of interaction of business and education for ensuring sustainable development and improving competitiveness of Ukraine;
  3. Employment of students and compliance of the existing specialties to requirements of real production sector;
  4. Features of training of students in modern conditions and integration of training programs with the leading firms;
  5. Outflow of an intellectual capital from Ukraine- problems and ways of their decision;
  6. Uninterrupted length education and sustainable development- new opportunities and challenges.

At the end of a discussion representatives of education and business expressed the opinions on the prospects of development of the existing specialties, interactions of education and business, and the prospects of further educational development in Ukraine as Basic Element of sustainable development of Ukraine.

Discussion “Higher education: social service or driver of economic growth”

Discussion “Higher education: social service or driver of economic growth”