Scientific research laboratory “Design and diagnosis of computer systems and networks”

The lab was opened in 2001 at Design Automation department as a research laboratory for the activity of which is aimed at supporting scientific schools:

  • “Technical diagnostics and computer-aided design of computer engineering” (scientific supervisor – Dr. Sc., Prof. Krivoulya G.F.);
  • “Design and technical diagnosis of digital systems on crystals, computers and networks”, “Technologies of brain-like and quantum computing processes in cyberspace” (scientific supervisor – Dr. Sc., Prof.  professor Hahanov V.).

In the framework of the Lab, teachers, researchers, students, post-graduate students and young scientists of Design Automation Department take part in the implementation of international and research projects:

  1. Project TEMPUS “Curricula Development for new specialty Master of Engineering in MEMS / NEMS Design” (MastMst)” together with Lviv Polytechnic University, Kyiv National University, Technical University of Lodz (Poland), Lyons University (France), University of Ilmеnau (Germany), the University of Pavia (Italy), 2012 – 2016.
  2. Scientific research 268 (No. 0112U000209), 2012-2014, “Personal Virtual Cyber Computer and Infrastructure for Analysis of Cyberspace”, handle / document / 3874;
  3. Scientific research 297 (No. 0115U-000712) “Cyberphysical system -” Smart Cloud Traffic Control “, 2015 – 2017; handle / document / 5747;
  4. Scientific research 316 “Smart Cyber University – Cloud-Mobile services for management of scientific and educational processes”, 2017 – 2019 (№1296, October 31, 2016).
Vladimir Hahanov

Chief Researcher

Vladimir Hahanov

Professor of the Department of Computer Aided Designof Computers, Head of the specialized scientific council, IEEE Senior Member, Dr. of Science, Professor


Room 320

+38 (057) 702-13-36