Educational and Scientific Data Science Laboratory

The research laboratory of software for automated systems was created in 1993. The modern name Educational and Scientific Data Science Laboratory was received according to the decision of the meeting of the department of PI dated September 01, 2020.

The Laboratory fulfils the research in the following areas: data mining, artificial intelligence, mathematical modeling of intelligent processes, Big Data, Data Science and the development of intelligent software systems.

Science and educational process

Data Science Laboratory № 240 belongs to Software Engineering Department.

The Department of Software Engineering trains students in three levels of higher education (121 speciality):

  • Bachelor’s degree in Software Engineering (educational program – Software Engineering);
  • Master’s Degree in Software Engineering (educational programs – Software Engineering and Systems Software);
  • Ph.D. in Software Engineering.

Curricula are consistent with international standards for training programmers.


Scientific seminars

Within the laboratory, scientific seminars in the field of Data Science are held.

The results of publication work are indicated in the profiles of employees in scientometric databases.

Zoia Dudar

Head of the laboratory

Zoia Dudar

Head of the Department of Software Engineering, Member of Academic Council, Member of EMC Presidium, Deputy Head of the Section 3 of EMC, Member of STC, Candidate of Science (Technology), Professor


room  240
