Research Areas
- Theoretical foundations for the design and restructuring of telecommunication systems and networks based on the use of multilayer graphs;
- Methods for structural analysis and optimization of telecommunication systems and networks based on the use of multidimensional symplectic complexes and polyhedra.
Educational process
The laboratory provides effective conditions for the implementation of basic education and professional and education and science programmes:
- in training bachelors in the specialty 172 “Telecommunications and radio engineering” educational programs: “Telecommunications”, “Infocommunication Engineering” and masters in specialty 172 “Telecommunications and Radio Engineering”, educational programs: “Telecommunications systems and networks” and “Infocommunication engineering” educational programs;
- in the training of bachelors in the 125 «Cybersecurity», «Information Security Management» educational program and masters in the 125 «Cybersecurity», «Information Security Administrative Management» educational program.
The laboratory is equipped for lectures, practical classes, laboratory work, practical training, certification work for undergraduate and postgraduate students from such educational disciplines:
- Internet technologies;
- Control and adaptation algorithms in TCS;
- Introduction to speciality;
- Information systems and INTERNET;
- Design methods for multiservice systems and networks;
- Fundamentals of computer modeling and design of TCSP facilities;
- Prospects of wireless systems;
- Software Configuration of NGN;
- Designing, operating and auditing information security management systems;
- Design, operation and protection of wireless networks;
- Design and configuration of network security systems;
- Information switching and distribution systems;
- Modern system modelling software tools;
- Telecommunication transmission systems. Part 1. corporate networks;
- Programming technologies;
- Control and routing in TCS;
- Multiservice communication networks of the following generations;
- Fundamentals of Theory of Information and Communication Systems;
- Technologies of Infocommunication Means;
- Fundamentals of IP-Technologies;
- Industrial Practical Training;
- Systems of Commutation and Information Distribution;
- Communication Systems with Mobile Objects;
- Routing in IP networks
Main scientific achievements
- LEMESHKO O., YEREMENKO O., SHAPOVALOVA A., YEVDOKYMENKO M., AKULYNICHEV A., POROKHNIAK V. Research of Secure Routing with Load Balancing and Compromise Probability Behavior Account. 2021 IEEE 19th International Conference on Smart Technologies (EUROCON), Lviv, Ukraine, 6-8 July, 2021. IEEE, 2021. P. 1-4.
- AGEYEV D., RADIVILOVA T. Traffic Monitoring and Abnormality Detection Methods for Decentralized Distributed Networks. Proceedings of the Selected Papers on Cybersecurity Providing in Information and Telecommunication Systems (CPITS 2021). Kyiv, Ukraine. CEUR, 2021. Vol. 2923. P. 283-288.
- AL-VANDAVI I.S.A., MOSKALETS M., POPOVSKA K., AGEYEV D., KRASNOZHENIUK Y. (2021) Method for Planning SAN Based on FTTH Technology. In: Ageyev D., Radivilova T., Kryvinska N. (eds) Data-Centric Business and Applications. Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies, vol 69. Springer, Cham. pp 333-353.
- SHOSTKO I., AVCHINNIKOV E., KULIA Y. A Stand for Diagnosing the Durability of Infocommunication Equipment to the Effects of Powerful Ultra-Wideband Electromagnetic Pulses and Laser Radiation. In: Ageyev D., Radivilova T., Kryvinska N. (eds) Data-Centric Business and Applications. Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies, vol 69. Springer, Cham. pp 307-331.
- AGEYEV D., RADIVILOVA T., BONDARENKO O., OTHMAN M. Traffic Abnormality Detection ML-based Method for IoT. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Information and Telecommunication Technologies and Radio Electronics Kyiv, Ukraine, November 29 – December 3, 2021. P. 155-159.