Research Areas
- Methods to ensure quality of service and resilience of future generations of networks based on traffic management and routing process optimization.
- Research on the statistical characteristics of traffic in telecommunication networks based on the theory of fractals and self-similar processes.
- Models and methods for ensuring information and network security in TCS, developing systems for risk assessment, vulnerability detection and network attack detection.
The laboratory was established as a result of the international ENGENSEC project (544455-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-SE-TEMPUS-JPCR) to prepare cybersecurity specialists of the next generation of EU and Ukrainian IT sphere. Experts from Sweden, Poland, Germany, Latvia and Ukraine have worked on the concept of this laboratory, namely the development of the ReSeLa+ virtual environment. ReSeLa+ offers many options for design and experimentation with different network topologies and different software. With ReSeLa+ in a secure virtual environment, students can investigate attacks on operating and physical systems, network protocols and cloud environments; processes for identifying and defending against malware, analysing web application vulnerabilities and more.
The core of the laboratory is a modern computer class and server room that houses powerful Dell PE servers, Smart Mikrotik Cloud Router Switch, UPS 3000 VA, Dell memory module, KVM-switch 8 port, TP-Link wireless adapters, Linksys Cisco access points, Raspberry Pi 3.
Educational process
Currently V.V. Popovskyy Department of Infocommunication Engineering prepares specialists in the first (Bachelor’s), second (Master’s), third (educational-scientific) and scientific levels in specialties: 125 “Cybersecurity”.
Bachelor’s training is carried out according to the following programs: educational program “Information Security Management” (specialty 125 “Cybersecurity”).
Master’s degree training is carried out according to the following programs: educational program ” Administrative Management in Information Security ” (specialty 125 “Cybersecurity”).
List of disciplines taught in the laboratory:
- Bases of System Theory;
- Basics of Cryptographic;
- Protection of Information;
- Design, Operation and Protection of the Wireless Network;
- Information Security in Telecommunication and Cloud Technologies;
- Technologies of Infocommunication Means;
- Web Security;
- Адміністрування, аудит та безпека інформаційних служб Internet;
- Інформаційна безпека телекомунікаційних та хмарних технологій;
- Мережне програмування;
- Методи виявлення та аналізу шкідливого програмного забезпечення.
Major scientific achievements
- Project TEMPUS / ERASMUS+ 544455-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-SE-TEMPUS-JPCR “Educating the Next generation experts in Cyber Security: the new EU-recognized Master’s program (ENGENSEC).
- USAID project “Cybersecurity of Ukraine’s Critical Infrastructure”.
- Erasmus project + Jean Monnet module “Integration of EU cybersecurity framework and policies in Ukraine”.
YEVDOKYMENKO M., YEREMENKO O., SHAPOVALOVA A., SHAPOVAL M., POROKHNIAK V., ROGOVAYA N. Investigation of the Secure Paths Set Calculation Approach Based on Vulnerability Assessment. Workshop Proceedings of the MoMLeT+DS 2021: 3rd International Workshop on Modern Machine Learning Technologies and Data Science, June 5, 2021, Lviv-Shatsk, Ukraine. P. 207-217.
LEMESHKO O., YEREMENKO O., SHAPOVALOVA A., HAILAN A.M., YEVDOKYMENKO M., PERSIKOV M. Design and Research of the Model for Secure Traffic Engineering Fast ReRoute under Traffic Policing Approach. 2021 16th International Conference on the Experience of Designing and Application of CAD System in Microelectronic (CADSM), 22-26 February 2021. Lviv, Ukraine. P. 4/23-4/26.
LEMESHKO O., YEREMENKO O., YEVDOKYMENKO M., SLEIMAN B. QoS Routing Model over Disjoint Paths with Guaranteed Bandwidth in Software-Defined Networks // Computer and information systems and technologies, Kharkiv, April 2021. P. 93.
LEMESHKO O., YEREMENKO O., SHAPOVALOVA A., YEVDOKYMENKO M., OMOWUMI S.O., HAILAN A.M. Secure Routing with Power Link Blocking Model and Load Balancing. 4th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information and Communication Technologies (AICT), 21-25 September, 2021, Lviv, Ukraine, P. 1-4.
LEMESHKO O., YEREMENKO O., SHAPOVALOVA A., YEVDOKYMENKO M., LEMESHKO V., PERSIKOV M. Analysis of Secure Routing Processes Using Traffic Engineering Model. The 11th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems: Technology and Applications, 22-25 September, 2021, Cracow, Poland, P. 1-5.
Masters courses
- Wireless and Mobile Security
- Digital Forensics
- Pentest and Ethical Hacking
- Web Security
- Malware Analysis
- Secure Software Development
- Advanced Network and Cloud Security