All time | Last 5 years | |
Citations | 825 | 706 |
h-index | 15 | 13 |
i10-index | 29 | 23 |
Education and Career
2007 – graduated with honors from Kharkov National University of Radio Electronics with a degree in Telecommunication Systems and Networks and received a Master’s degree.
2007-2010 – graduated from the post-graduate course of the Kharkov National University of Radio Electronics.
2010 – received the degree of candidate of technical sciences (PhD). Thesis on the topic «Models and method of channel distribution in multichannel Mesh-networks of the standard 802.11», speciality 05.12.02 – Telecommunication systems and networks.
Since 2010. – Assistant of the Department of Telecommunication Systems of the Kharkov National University of Radio Electronics.
Since 2012 – Senior Lecturer of the Department of Telecommunication Systems, Kharkov National University of Radio Electronics.
Since 2016 – Associate Professor of the Department of Telecommunication Systems of the Kharkov National University of Radio Electronics.
Since 2017 – doctoral candidate of the Department of Infocommunication Engineering (before telecommunication systems) of the Kharkov National University of Radio Electronics.
2020 – received the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences, scientific specialty 05.12.02 – telecommunication systems and networks.
2020 – received the academic title of Associate Professor of the Department of Infocommunication Engineering V.V. Popovsky.
2021 – awarded the academic title of professor of the department of information and communication engineering named after V.V. Popovsky
Educational activity
Teaches courses: Systems for detecting and preventing attacks, Network programming, Telecommunication transmission systems, Directing system electrical and optical communication, Systems of Commutation and Information Distribution (teaching in English).
Research activities
As part of the state budget R & D was involved in research projects:
№261-1 «Methods of increasing productivity of next generation wireless networks» (2012); No. 299 «Increasing the Scalability of Technological Solutions to Provide Quality of Service in Convergent Telecommunication Systems» (2016).
Scientific interests – traffic management in infocommunication networks, wireless networks, security in infocommunication networks.
International activity / participation in international projects
Participant of the International TEMPUS project: 544455-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-SE-TEMPUS-JPCR, “Education of the next generation of experts on cybersecurity” (ENGENSEC).
Participant of the International ERASMUS program (KA1) (teaching at the Blekinge Institute of Technology, Karlskrona, Sweden).
Coordinator of the educational component of the USAID project “Cybersecurity of Critical Infrastructure of Ukraine”.
Erasmus Coordinator + Jean Monnet module “Integration of EU cybersecurity framework and policies in Ukraine”.
Social activity
IEEE Member.
IEEE Membership No.: 94598841
Publications and patents
More than 100 publications, 6 international certificates in the field of cybersecurity, 1 international IEEE certificate «The Global 5G Standard».
5 patents for utility model.