From October 9 to 12, the traditional V International Conference “Problems of Infocommunications. Science and Technology” (IEEE International Scientific-Practical Conference “Problems of Infocommunications. Science and Technology” (PIC S & T-2018) was held in NURE. The organizer of the event is Infocommunication Engineering Department.
At the opening, greetings of the rector to the participants of the conference, the report of Alexander Dumin, PhD from KhNU V. N. Karazin, secretary of the Kharkiv branch of the Ukrainian section IEEE and introductory words prof. D.V. Ageyev, vice-chairman of the conference were heard. Prof. Ageyev presented the conference history, honored the memory of the famous scientist, founder of the conference prof. V.V. Popovsky and shared plans of the organizers for the future.
During the four days, five plenary reports were heard, including three invited, one hundred forty speeches and nineteen poster presentations. Particular attention is paid to plenary speeches:
- Roman Oliynikov from V.N. Karazin University, who delivered a report on the current state and problems of information security in infocommunication systems;
- Vadim Chakryan from NURE with a discussion on the interaction of security practitioners and engineers with researchers in this field;
- Valery Gorbachev from NURE, who presented a report of securing computer hardware.
In addition, a round table on issues of development and the Internet of Things (IoT) and the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) was held.
At session’s reports on the development of new information and communication technologies, information security, signal processing, planning of modern information and communication systems, technologies and networks of wireless infocommunications were heard.
During the conference, an excursion to Kharkiv State Aviation Production Enterprise «Kharkiv Aviation Factory» was organized.
After the conference, the best speeches and poster reports were awarded by sponsors – GlobalLogic, DataArt, WorkNest.
The conference was attended by scientists from 15 countries. In particular, Poland, China, Lithuania, Kazakhstan, Tunisia, Azerbaijan, Turkey, etc. For the first time, USA representatives took part in the conference.
Papers of the conference will be published in the Proceedings 5th IEEE International Scientific-Practical Conference “Problems of Infocommunications. Science and Technology”, sent to the IEEE Xplore Digital Library and indexed by Scopus.