Social and Psychological Center

The tasks of the socio-psychological service of the University are to promote full personal and intellectual development of students, creating the conditions for the formation of their motivation for self-education and self-development, to the reveal productive teaching and research activities, identifying the most effective forms of organization of the educational process and its scientific and methodological support.

Employees of the social and psychological service are guided by the ethical code of psychologists adhere to teaching ethics, respect the dignity of the individual. They build their activities on the basis of goodwill and trust in close cooperation with all participants of the educational process.

The principle of the service is confidence, the employees keep a professional secret, do not spread the information obtained in the process of a psychological diagnosis and remedial work, if it could harm a person or his environment.

The purpose of the service activities is to create the conditions that promote the implementation of education and educational tasks, self-development and self-education of the students, timely and systematic study of the motives of their behavior and activities, taking into account their age, intellectual, physical, sexual, social and other individual characteristics, the promotion of social and psychological adaptation of the students and KhNURE employees.

To achieve the goals and objectives the socio-psychological service uses such forms of work:

  • Organizing and conducting training on the psychological development of business communication skills, team building, personality development;
  • Organization and holding of lectures and classes to build skills for healthy lifestyle;
  • Organization and conduction psychological counseling, mental health support;
  • Organization of clubs of psychological support for socially vulnerable groups of students (students with special needs, orphans, young families);
  • Methodological consultations for supervisors and groups of young teachers;
  • Carrying out psychodiagnostic research;
  • The development and dissemination of advertising and product information on the activities of the social psychological service


Dear friends, war constantly tests our resilience. Regardless of the circumstances we are in, we can experience strong negative feelings: anxiety, a sense of helplessness, depressed mood, confusion, etc. Some of these feelings may be manifestations of psychological trauma that can have an impact on our lives later on. In these difficult circumstances, each of us may face situations in which we need psychological support or the professional help of a psychologist.

The social and psychological service and the Gender Education Center of NURE will hold a series of events prepared by us this year, including webinars, lectures, and group meetings. We will work with psychological problems caused by the war, especially for the student youth of our university. Please follow the news for more info.

We also offer a list of verified resources, which indicate the possibilities of psychological help for Ukrainian citizens.


Anyone from Ukraine can call 0-800-100-102 (calls are free), every day from 10:00 a.m. to 20:00 p.m. It is also possible to call from abroad (at additional numbers). The help is professional and confidential.

  • Ukrainian-speaking hotline for those in the EU

+800 67 89 1011 (within the EU)

+32 2 299 96 96 (outside the EU)

Here you can get various types of help, including psychological, legal, and informational, for those who are abroad

The online platform “Tell me” provides Ukrainians with free psychological help. If you feel anxious, have panic attacks, are close to depression or even on the verge – leave a request on the site and wait. A specialist will contact you as soon as possible

Free psychological help online: 30 minutes with a psychologist. There is also a psychological support group “Together”: every Friday at 10:00 and 20:00 the virtual door opens for everyone who needs to be heard or listen to others, ask or share

  • The platform «Далі є. На шляху до відновлення після сексуального насильства»

War provokes cases of cruelty and violence, including sexual. On this platform, you can find comprehensive recommendations on what to do for anyone who has faced this problem, victims, relatives and friends of victims, witnesses of such cases, etc.

Consultation with a psychologist takes place online, anonymously and at a time convenient for you. Participation in psychological support groups is also offered. You can find useful information, advice, and articles on current psychological issues on the website.

Lifeline Ukraine is a national, professional line for suicide prevention and mental health support. The hotline is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Lifeline Ukraine was created primarily to help veterans and their families, and now the hotline serves all residents of Ukraine in any language of their choice

Free online service for Ukrainian families in need of medical and psychological help. KAF is an Israeli cooperative of three Israeli companies, Kai, Amplio and Femi. Services from Israel are provided by Ukrainian-speaking Israelis

For all Ukrainians who currently do not have access to medical care. Consultations are conducted by psychologists and highly qualified doctors of all specialties from Ukrainian universities.

The opportunity to find “your” psychotherapist. Psychological help of a deeper level than consultation and support. Not free, but professional and quality help

  • SafeWomenHUB Online Platform for providing emergency assistance to women with children and girls in Ukraine who suffered from the consequences of the war

We believe in our victory and take care of our physical and mental health!

Natalia Dashenkova

Head of SPS

Natalia Dashenkova

Head of the Department of Philosophy, Associate Professor of Philosophy Department, Ph.D, Associate Professor


Room 455-Б

+38 (057) 702-14-65