Natalia Dashenkova

Natalia Dashenkova
Head of the Department of Philosophy, Associate Professor of Philosophy Department, Ph.D, Associate Professor
Google Scholar ID: JE7V1ZIAAAAJ
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

1992 – graduated from the KSU them. A.M. Gorkiy, psychology specialty;

1996 – assistant at KIRE Department of Philosophy;

1997 – senior lecturer at KIRE Department of Philosophy;

2006 – Рh.D in Philosophy, “ontology, epistemology, phenomenology” specialty;

2007 – Associate Professor at the KNURE Department of Philosophy

Since 2025 – Head of the KNURE Department of Philosophy

Educational activity

Teaches courses “Psychology of extreme relationships and effective adaptation”, “Gender Problems of modern society”, “Professional Psychology”, “Philosophy”, “Psychology”

Research activities

Research interests – philosophical anthropology, philosophical foundations of psychology, gender problems of modern society, psychology of higher education

Social activities

She has been the head of the KNURE social and psychological services since 2007.

Worked at the KNURE Center of Gender Education since 2012.

She is an employee of the public movement “Network of Centers of gender education”.

Since 2016 she has been an expert on anti-discrimination expertise of school textbooks at the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

Publications and patents

Has over 50 publications