Scientific-research part (SRP)

The Scientific-research part performs:

  • planning and organizing fundamental, applied research and development activities;
  • scientific cooperation in the framework of national and international scientific and technical programs;
  • financial and logistical support for research and development;
  • accounting and analysis of the created scientific and technical products and the results of scientific activities and their promotion in the information space with a view to further implementation in relevant sectors of the national economy and commercialization on the national and world markets.

Priority directions of the organization scientific activity:

  • Preparation of scientific and pedagogical staff of the highest category (doctors and candidates of science), in order to ensure the quality of the student learning process and the ability of the university to make a significant contribution to solving problems in the priority scientific areas of Ukraine.
  • Distribution of the active presence of the university in the international scientific environment.
  • Expansion of the university’s participation in research and development for the military sector of the economy of Ukraine (laser and optoelectronic equipment, radio-electronic systems, telecommunications and communications).
  • Improving conditions for ensuring the quality of research and development for the military sector of the economy of Ukraine, and for solving modern scientific problems (creating a laboratory of defense technologies, creating a research center for sharing, restoring infrastructure and reprofiling the Multi-Purpose Geophysical Complex)
  • Formation of innovative projects and scientific and technical development of market demand based on the results of the implementation of state budgetary research.
  • Comprehensive support for innovative initiatives that arise in the scientific community of KNURE (start-up competitions, departmental initiatives, student initiatives). Commercialization of the results of scientific activity. Systematic promotion of the results of scientific research in the Ukrainian and European markets by means of marketing.
Kirill Khrustalev

Head of SRP

Kirill Khrustalev

Head of SRD, Member of Academic Council, Scientific Secretary of STC, Automation and Mechatronics Candidate of Engineering Science, Associate Professor


main building, 2 floor, room. 3,
1-st hostel, 5 floor, room. 501, 507, 513, 515, 519

+38 (057) 702-17-35
+38 (057) 702-10-00
+38 (057) 702-14-32
+38 (057) 702-13-58