Scientific Journal “Radioelectronics & Informatics”

Scientific Journal “Radioelectronics & Informatics” was founded by Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics in 1997.

The purpose of the publication of the “Radioelectronics & Informatics” Journal ISSN 1563-0064 (founded in 1997) is popularization and promotion of new scientific trends, technologies, ideas among students, engineers, scientists, as well as convergence of theory and practice.

In accordance with the title, the journal reflects the directions of the following scientific fields: computer science and engineering; technical diagnostics; management systems and processes; radio engineering; telecommunications; electronics; information technologies in science, medicine, education, culture, business, sociology, ecology.

Since 2008 Editorial Board of “Radioelectronics & Informatics” started publishing the Journal which serving electronic test professionals in concurrence with the Test Technology Technical Council (TTTC) of the IEEE Computer Society.

The regulation of the editorial board of the journal in the structure of a publishing house can be found here.

The main target is to exchange experiences between the scientists and technologies of the Eastern and Western Europe, as well as North America and other parts of the world, in the field of

  • Computer Engineering (design automation and test of electronic systems),
  • Computer Science,
  • Radiotehnika,
  • Microelectronics,
  • HDTV,
  • Telecommunications.

We hope that the journal will be interesting for a wide range of scientists, engineers, and students.

Radioelectronics & Informatics Journal is abstracted in international and national abstracting journals and scientometric databases, and also placed to the digital archives and libraries with a free on-line access and is indexed by: Index Copernicus, Google Scholar, Cyberleninka, OECSP, OAJI, Scholar Steer, SIS, CiteFactor, TIU Hannover, I2OR, National Library of Ukraine named after Vernadsky V.I. (NBUV).

The journal was included in the list of scientific specialized editions of Ukraine in the field of technical and physical and mathematical sciences until 28.12.2017.

ISBN 1563-0064

Vladimir Hahanov

Chief Editor

Vladimir Hahanov

Professor of the Design Automation Department, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor. IEEE Senior Member.Head of the specialized scientific council


Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics

Room. 321,

Nauki ave, 14, Kharkiv,61166, Ukraine

+38 (057) 702-13-26

Platform OJS/PKP

RadioElectronics & Informatics Journal