

NURE positions in the Webometrics (tab Webometrics) and Transparent Ranking (tab Transparent Ranking)

The Webometrics Ranking of World’s Universities is a traditional university ranking in terms of their online presence.

The rating was founded by the Spanish Cybermetrics Lab, which publishes the rating twice a year, in January and July on the official website http://www.webometrics.info/en/Europe/Ukraine%20

 The original aim of the Ranking is to promote academic web presence, supporting the Open Access initiatives for increasing significantly the transfer of scientific and cultural knowledge generated by the universities to the whole Society. In order to achieve this objective, the publication of rankings is one of the most powerful and successful tools for starting and consolidating the processes of change in the academia, increasing the scholars’ commitment and setting up badly needed long term strategies. http://webometrics.info/en/Methodology

The objective is not to evaluate websites, their design or usability or the popularity of their contents according to the number of visits or visitors. Web indicators are considered as proxies in the correct, comprehensive, deep evaluation of the university global performance, taking into account its activities and outputs and their relevance and impact.

At the end a reliable rank is only possible if the web presence is a trustworthy mirror of the university. In the second decade of the 21stcentury the Web is key for the future of all the university missions, as it is already the most important scholarly communication tool, the future channel for the off-campus distance learning, the open forum for the community engagement and the universal showcase for attracting talent, funding and resources.

