Educational Program Software Engineering

Educational Program Software Engineering

Educational program Software engineering is focused on the training of specialists involved in the development, debugging, testing of performance, software modification. Graduates of Software Engineering are designed to implement all stages of software development for the customer: definition and analysis of customer requirements, design of the software architecture, detailed design, construction, software integration, testing, installation, support, maintenance, and support timely replacement / elimination of software.

During the study, students master various technological approaches to software engineering, platforms, operating systems and, environments and programming languages ​​for systems of different purposes.

On the labor market, programmers who are able to work in a team who possess tools of collective software development are in demand. In connection with this, the importance of professional competence in collective software development, knowledge of the directions, methods and technologies of software development is increasing.

Skills and competences that a bachelor’s degree will hold in an educational program Software Engineering:

  1. Understanding the responsibilities of various members of the software development team: software development leader, team leader (teamleader), architect, programmer, manager, designer, planner, analyst;
  2. Possessing modern strategies and technologies for organizing collective software development, including version management systems, continuous integration processes, code execution standards, and code inspection methods;
  3. Understanding of the main directions of development of collective development methods, their differences and expediency depending on the type of tasks to be solved and the requirements of the organization;
  4. Flexible (Agile) methodologies for developing software products.

Graduates for an educational program Software engineering can work:

  1. Software development specialist;
  2. Software Testing Specialist.