Vladimir Gusiatin

Vladimir Gusiatin
Professor of the Department of Electronic Computers, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor
Scopus ID: 57194704318
Documents by author:2
Total citations:1
Google Scholar ID: nGoIsYUAAAAJ
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

In 1956 he entered the Kharkov Polytechnic Institute (KhPI), and in 1959 was transferred to the Kharkov Aviation Institute (KhAI) and in 1962 he completed a full course in the specialty: Radioelectronic Devices, Faculty No. 5, Qualification awarded: radio engineer.
Diploma: Р № 988867 September 22, 1962.

Educational activity

Responsible for the functioning of the educational laboratory “Design of computing devices and systems No. 32” z “

Research activities

Leader in conducting studies on the topic No. 410 (KNURE) “Development of theoretical foundations and new architectural principles for the development of simulators for various purposes” (IDR 0197U004440), “Modernization of the digital visualization system”, customer – Ukrainian State Civil Aviation Training and Certification Center, SRI “Graphics-M” and “Modernization-T”, the customer is the scientific center of the Kharkov Institute of the Air Force. The scientific team has developed a visualization system for three-dimensional scenes for an aircraft simulator.
Results: methods, algorithms and architecture of special processors for visualization of three-dimensional scenes in real time.

On the topic of research 9 candidate dissertations were defended. Head of postgraduate training.

State Awards

He was awarded with the Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. Medal “veteran of labor”

Publications and patents

More than 175 publications, 32 patents.