Olga Chub

Olga Chub
Senior lecturer of Department of Economic Сybernetics and Management of Economic Security, Candidate of Economical Science

Education and Career

2010 – she graduated from the Kharkiv State Technical University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, specialty «Economic Cybernetics».

2013 – Assistant of the department of Economic Cybernetics and Management of Economic Security in Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics (NURE).

2014 – Ph.D. Thesis defended February, 27 at the East European University of Economics and Management. The object of thesis – «Models and methods in managing the recourse potential utility company in the field of water supply», 08.00.11 – Mathematical methods, models and information technologies in economics.

2015 – Аssociate professor of Department of Economic Сybernetics and Management of Economic Security in Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics (NURE)

Educational activity

Teaches courses: «Economic Cybernetics», «Modeling of economic dynamics»

Researcher activity

In 2011-2013 participated in scientific research of the Department of Economic Сybernetics and Management of Economic Security in Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics (NURE), the object of research «Development of real-time evolution systems for decision making under uncertainty» (state registration number № 0110U000458)

International activity / participation in international projects

In June-July, 2016 participated in the International Summer School «EUSERS SUMMER SCHOOL

«Performance and Governance of Services of General Interest. Critical perspectives on Energy, Telecommunications, Transport, and Water Reforms in the EU», Milano, Italy.

In June, 2017 participated in the European Economy Workshop «XVI Milan European Economy Workshop «Innovation and services of general interest: from the lab to enterprises and citizens», Milano, Italy.

In July, 2017 participated in the International School «Empowering children organizations in development of social competences of young people», Reykjavik, Island


Publications and patents

Has over 25 scientific publications, including 1 monograph and 1 manual