We invite you to the online presentation of the Fulbright Research and Development Program


On Tuesday, October 5, at 6 pm, the Fulbright Office in Ukraine invites everyone interested to an online presentation of the Fulbright Research and Development Program (FRDP) – a competition for young researchers and teachers.
During the meeting, together with the graduates of the FRDP Program, we will talk about the conditions of participation in the competition, this year’s requirements for submission of materials.
Applications for the competition are accepted until November 1 each year. Registration is required.
Invitation to Zoom – the presentation will be sent to registered participants on October 5, one hour before the meeting.
For detailed information, please contact the International Relations Department, room 3 or e-mail international_dept@nure.ua.
We remind you that the competition is open to persons under the age of 40 with two years of professional experience: journalists; specialists in library, museum and archival affairs; specialists in the field of culture management; employees of public organizations, teachers; graduate students and researchers who do not yet have a degree; candidates of sciences; administrators of higher educational institutions; employees of research institutions.