We invite you to take part in an online lecture


We invite students, graduate students and teachers to take part in an online lecture by Johan Norberg, writer, teacher and filmmaker, Senior Research Scientist at the Cato Institute (Washington, DC) and the European Center for International Political Economy (Brussels) “New & improved: How innovations happen” to be held within the Ukraine Global Faculty, December 16 at 14.00. Registration by the link.

Information about the lecturer:

Johan Norberg specializes in issues ranging from freedom and progress to entrepreneurship, globalization and the hidden dichotomies that shape the world. He is an experienced and well-known speaker from Stockholm to Sydney, Buenos Aires to Beijing, and Cairo to Capitol Hill;

– received the Walter Judd Freedom Award (2018), which was previously awarded to such luminaries as Garry Kasparov and Ronald Reagan;

– has written more than 20 books on global economy, entrepreneurship, progress. For example: the book “In Defence of Global Capitalism” (2003) was published in more than 25 countries, and the book “Progress: Ten Reasons to Look Forward to the Future” (2016) was chosen as the Book of the Year by The Economist, Guardian and Observer and translated into 20 languages. The Economist called it “a tornado of evidence… an explosion of common sense”;

– regularly writes and presents documentaries on development, economics and current affairs: The Next Financial Crisis, Power to the People, Free or Equal and Economic Freedom in Action: Changing Lives. His latest documentary “Sweden: Lessons for America?” is about how we can learn from the successes and mistakes of our own country;

– For his international work, Norberg received the Sir Anthony Fisher Memorial Award from the

Anthony Fisher Memorial Award from the American Atlas Foundation and a gold medal from the German Hayek Stiftung, which he shared with former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher.

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