Cybersecurity for Critical Infrastructure in Ukraine Activity Project

Cybersecurity for Critical Infrastructure in Ukraine Activity Project

The Cybersecurity for Critical Infrastructure in Ukraine Activity Project is a USAID-funded project implemented with the assistance of DAI Global LLC.

The goal of the Project is to make Ukraine’s critical infrastructure more resilient to cyber attacks by building relationships of trust and cooperation between key cybersecurity stakeholders representing government, private business, academia and civil society.

To achieve this goal, the Project in the field of higher education provides for the formation of human resources of Ukraine in cybersecurity, which consists in cooperation with higher education institutions and is aimed at improving the practical skills of teachers of Ukrainian universities.

During participation in the Project, teachers of the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics will undergo training (advanced training), which will allow them to organize and conduct the educational process in the field of cybersecurity in accordance with best practices, which will also increase the number of students enrolled in educational programs in cybersecurity, expand the scale and the quality of cybersecurity qualification and certification training programs.

Cybersecurity for Critical Infrastructure in Ukraine Activity Project

Within the framework of the Project, NURE teachers will improve their practical skills in the following areas:
# 1 Incident Response
# 2 Digital Forensics
# 3 Security of cyber-physical systems
# 4 IoT security and privacy
# 5 Fundamentals of computer and network security
# 6 Audit and Risk Management
# 7 Web Application Security
# 8 Malware Analysis.

After completing the courses, the teachers will transfer the gained practical experience to students studying in specialty 125 – “Cybersecurity”.