International Semester in NURE for students of the University of Limoges


  1. Number of exchange students:

1.1 ENSIL-ENSCI students welcomed at NURE:

– The number of students from the ENSIL-ENSCI, exempt from registration fees in NURE is fixed at two (2) per academic year.

  1. Period of stay:

The maximum length of stay for exchange students in the host institution is one (1) academic year or equivalent. The extension must be approved by both institutions.

  1. Field of study for exchange students:

Students from the ENSIL-ENSCI received in exchange at NURE may enroll in the following disciplines, whose courses are in English: «Telecommunications and Radio engineering», «Biomedical engineering», «Computer engineering».

  1. Curriculum and Evaluation:

The program of study at the host institution will be determined for exchange students in consultation with the academic advisors at the host and home institutions.


      5. Both partners institutions agree to promote the exchange of students for internships at the partner institution. Transfer and accumulation of subjects during the internship, which can substitute practical studding (or graduation projects), are agreed according to the credits (ECTS) from the host institution.

The internship subject is determined by the host institution and will be validated by the home institution. The student applying for an internship must have a sufficient level in English and/or in the language of the host institution.


  1. Selection of students for the exchange program:

Each institution is responsible for selecting students for the exchange program.

  1. Status of exchange students:

Students selected for exchange in ENSIL-ENSCI must have status of students (non-graduate students) who have not completed studding at the time of the exchange.

  1. Language level required:

To be accepted into the exchange program, students must have completed level B2 in English to be able to follow the courses of the international semester at ENSIL-ENSCI, the courses at NURE or the training courses in laboratory.

  1. Accommodation and visa:

The host institution does its best to help exchange students find affordable accommodation and assist them in obtaining visas.

  1. Financial responsibility:

Students in exchange are responsible for their own expenses, including travel, accommodation, medical expenses and personal expenses such as telephone, books, etc. Students participating in the exchange are required to take out health and accident insurance at the minimum level recommended by the host university to cover these risks during their stay at the host institution and these costs are borne by the students participating in the exchange.

  1. Discipline:

Exchange students enjoy all the rights of the host institution`s students and are subject to the host institution’s internal regulations.

  1. Others:

The other questions necessary for the students participating in the exchange are decided by mutual agreement between the two partner institutions.