Who can benefit from Mevlana Exchange Programme?
The students registered in formal education programmes in Associate Degree, B.A, M.A and PhD level.
Additionally, all academic staff who work in a national or foreign higher education institution, on condition that the higher education institutions signed a bilateral Mevlana Exchange Protocol, may benefit from Mevlana Exchange Programme. In the scope of mobility, academic activities of academic staff can not be less than total six hours weekly.
• to be studying at associate degree, bachelor degree, master degree or phd degree of higher education programmes,
• Grade point average (GPA) of associate degree and undergraduate students must be at least 2,5 on a four point scale,
• Grade point average (GPA) of graduate students (MA, PhD) must be at least 3.00 on a four point scale,
• 50% language score + 50% GPA
• The students studying in their first year at associate or bachelor degree and the students of preparation classes and scientific preparation programmes of graduate degrees can not partic ipate in this programme at their first semester.
Mevlana Exchange Programme students continue to take their other scholarships and grants in their home countries and they have to do registration in their home institutions. They pay tuition fee to their home institution if they are supposed to and they do not pay any other tuition fee to the host institution. Incoming students from other countries to Turkish higher education institutions are granted according to the ratios determined by Council of Higher Education Executive Board.