Double degree program – Higher School of Information Systems Management ISMA (Latvia)

The program provides for obtaining the qualification “Master, Computer Engineering, System Programming” in NURE and the qualification “Master of Computer Systems. Qualification – Systems Analyst ”at ISMA.

Training is carried out within the educational and scientific program “System Programming” at NURE and “Computer Systems” at ISMA according to agreed curricula.

Coordinator from NURE provides advice to students, monitors the implementation of individual student curricula, sends data on the results of semester control to NURE to ISMA.

Students interested in participating in the program should contact the coordinator from NURE Barkovskaya Olesya, Assoc. department Computer for submitting applications according to the procedure for participation in the program.

Indicators for participation in the program – the level of knowledge of the English language is not lower than intermediate, academic advantages and motivation of students to study abroad.

Documents that need to be prepared for participation in the program:

  • recommendation letter from the dean of the faculty,
  • motivation letter,
  • resume (CV),
  • copy of the passport,
  • a document confirming the availability of a bachelor’s qualification,
  • an international certificate confirming the level of proficiency in English, not lower than the B2 level (or a certificate that the previous education was obtained in English)
  • registration fee of 75 Euro.

Enrollment of a Student in ISMA is made after the Student signs an agreement on training and payment of tuition fees at ISMA 600USD per year.

The full duration of training for NURE students under the Computer Systems program is carried out in full at ISMA for a period of 2 academic years (120 ECTS credits) in English.

The student has the right to study disciplines and receive knowledge control at ISMA using distance learning technologies based on materials prepared and provided by ISMA teachers.

The completion of the training of students takes place by defending the certification work of the second (master’s) level of higher education (AR) in both universities. The preparation of AR at ISMA is carried out under the guidance of the ISMA supervisor in compliance with the requirements for the content and design of work at ISMA.

The defense of the certification work at ISMA takes place in person or using distance learning technologies in the presence of the ISMA commission and / or with the involvement of a coordinator from NURE.

A student who has successfully completed his studies in educational programs is awarded a master’s degree and issued separate documents on higher education with applications installed at both universities.

Comparison of curricula Credit Transfer System