The second day of summer intensives of NURE for schoolchildren is over


On June 2, the second lesson of the cycle of summer intensives for pupils of the Lyceum “Giftedness” took place. During classes at the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, Assistant Professor of Software Engineering Department of NURE Dmitry Matveev introduced pupils to the basics of 3D modelling in the laboratory “GameDev lab” using Blender 3D software, and Kharkiv Public Union “Kharkiv IT Cluster”, based on the Science Park “Sinergy” held interesting games on IT professions for schoolchildren.
On the basis of the Lyceum “Giftedness” 4th-year student Stanislav Kachanov (PZPI-17-7) conducted classes in mathematics on “Theory of probability, conditional probability and game theory”, and student Anton Gavrashenko (gr. SPm-20-2) conducted a detailed analysis of computer science problems on the topic “Cycles and arrays”.

The second day of summer intensives of NURE for schoolchildren is over