The Olympiad season has started


On 27-28 September, the 1/8 finals of the ICPC team programming competition were held in a remote format.
ICPC (International Collegiate Programming Contest) is the world’s most prestigious programming tournament. More than 50,000 students from 3,000 universities worldwide take part in it every year.
It is an algorithmic programming competition where participants solve problems in a limited time. Teams of three students have 5 hours to solve the problems. The winners are determined by the speed and number of correctly solved problems. Prize-winners receive medals, cash prizes and attention from top employers.
In the first stage, 594 teams from 25 divided oblasts and 4 regions of Ukraine took part. Olympic programming is one of the few areas that are actively supported at our university. The curator of the competition in the eastern region is Assoc. Professor of the pE Department O.L. Shevchenko. 54 teams (15 school teams and 39 university teams) represented Kharkiv, including 23 teams from NURE, 7 teams from NTU “KhPI”, NAU “KhAI” – 4 teams, and one from V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, for comparison, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv fielded 12 teams, NTUU ‘KPI’ – 12 teams, Lviv Polytechnic National University – 7 teams, UzhNU – 13 teams, Ivan Franko National University – 8 teams, that is, our university managed to field the largest number of teams among Ukrainian universities!
Schoolchildren also took part in the competition, a total of 30 teams from the Eastern region, including 15 from Kharkiv.
The Olympiad was attended by 57 students of the Faculty of Science, 7 students of the Faculty of Information and Analytical Technologies and Management and 3 students of the Faculty of Computer Engeneering and Control. Software engineering was represented by 45 participants.
The team KhNURE_KoRoVa! consisting of Valerii Hrynenko, Kostiantyn Denysov and Roman Pitsura took first place in the Eastern region, having solved all the tasks ahead of schedule! The team’s coach is Associate Professor of the Department of PE Vechur O.V. Congratulations to the guys and wishing them the same results in the 1/4 finals!