The International School “Digital Transformation: EU Trends, Solutions and Tools” has started its work in NURE


On October 26, on the basis of Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, at the initiative of Rector Valerii Sements, the International School “Digital Transformation: EU Trends, Solutions and Tools” started working.  Areas of work of the school are Data Science, Big Data, AI, Robotics, Computer Vision, Cyber Security, ICT, EU Digital Single Market, Intellectual Property.
During the opening of the school, Valerii Semenets, Rector of the University of Radio Electronics, and Gabriel Semanyshyn, Vice-Rector of Pavel Jozef Szafaryk University, Slovakia, addressed the participants with a welcoming speech.
Representatives of different countries will take part in the work of the school: Spain, Germany, Canada, Slovakia, Sweden, Lithuania and Ukraine, all participants, except for the best European experience, will receive International Certificates of European standard.
Speakers and partners of the school, in addition to numerous EU universities, are: SAP – the world’s largest company developing corporate IT solutions such as B2B, the IT Association of Slovakia, Kharkiv ACM Chapter and Kharkiv ICT ACM-W Chapter.
School coordinators from NURE are: Kirill Smelyakov,   Anastasia Chuprina,  Irina Kirichenko
The International School “Digital Transformation: EU Trends, Solutions and Tools” has started its work in NURE