Support for scientific and pedagogical workers and young scientists in improving their living conditions


Support for scientific and pedagogical workers and young scientists in improving their living conditions

The University provides support to scientific and pedagogical workers and young scientists in improving housing conditions (obtaining preferential loans for housing).

The purpose of the program is to implement the state housing policy in terms of solving the housing problem of pedagogical and scientific pedagogical workers by creating favorable conditions for the development of construction for them, improving the mechanisms for their acquisition of housing.

So, the head of the department of PFEE Gnatenko A.S. took part in two programs to improve housing conditions: national – long-term lending to young scientists up to 35 years old and a target program for scientific and pedagogical workers of higher education institutions of III-IV levels of accreditation in Kharkiv.

In 2021 Gnatenko A.S. became the owner of a home under the target program of the city of Kharkiv (loans on favorable terms).

Support for scientific and pedagogical workers and young scientists in improving their living conditions