Education and career
1964-1966 – Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute for the specialty “Radio Engineering”
1973 – PhD for the specialty “Metrology and Metrological Assurance”.
1977 – senior researcher KSIMI for specialization in radio-frequency measurements (including radio spectrometers)
1988 – DSc for the specialty “Metrology and Metrological Assurance”.
1992 – Professor for the Department of Radio Techniques
2005 to present – main research worker of the National Scientific Center “Institute of Metrology”
Information about the defense of the dissertation:
Candidate’s thesis “Measurement of parameters of frequency-modulated radio signals with a wide spectrum” (30.05.1973).
Doctoral dissertation ” Scientific and technical foundations and a complex of equipment for the state system of metrological support for measuring the parameters of frequency-modulated signals”, (26.02.1988)
Educational activity
Lecture courses: “Modern standards based on quantum effects”, “State standards of Ukraine”
Scientific activity
2001 – Laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of science and technology
Head of the specialized scientific council D64.827.01 (NNC “Institute of Metrology”), specialty – Metrology and information-measuring technology.
Editor-in-Chief of the “Ukrainian Metrological Journal”
Publications and patents
About 200 works on metrology and measuring technology, of which 10 are copyright certificates of the USSR and patents of Ukraine, 10 are books (monographs, textbooks, educational and reference manuals)