Yuriy Kurskoy

Yuriy Kurskoy
Рrofessor of the Department of Physical Fundamentals of Electronic Engineering, Member of Specialized Scientific Council, professor, The supervisor of studies of the Research laboratory "Photonics", Member of STS, Doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, Professor
Google Scholar ID: k_rSptQAAAAJ
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

In 1996, he graduated from the Faculty of Physics of Kharkiv State University, majoring in “Physics”, qualification: physicist, physics teacher

Candidate of technical sciences since 2010.

Doctor of physical and mathematical sciences since 2020.

The main stages of scientific and pedagogical activity.

  1. 1996 – 1999 – graduate student of the Kharkiv State Academy of Urban Economy;
  2. 2010 – 2014 assistant, senior teacher and associate professor of the Department of Occupational Safety, Standardization and Certification of the Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy;

3. Since 2014 – associate professor, since 2021 – professor of the Department of Physical Fundamentals of Electronic Engineering of the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics.

Educational activity

Lecture courses: “Laser information technologies”, “Information and measurement systems and complexes”, “Laser systems in medicine”, “Theory of algorithms”, “Informatics”

Research activities

Research interests: Photonics, nonlinear dynamic systems, chaotic dynamics of physical and biological systems, nonlinear metrology, pattern recognition technologies.


Since 2017 to till now – scientific supervisor of the “Photonyka” laboratory.

Projects and research works:

2020 – 2021 scientific director of scientific and technical development №. 332 “Laser semiconductor module”.

Publications and patents

More than 85 publications