Yurii Victorovich Ovsiuchenko

Yurii Victorovich Ovsiuchenko
Associate professor of Economic Сybernetics and Management of Economic Security Department, Candidate of Economic Sciences, PhD, Associate professor
Google Scholar ID: 66fpge4AAAAJ
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

n 1986 he graduated from the Kharkov Institute of Radio Electronics specialty radio-engineer,

In 2000 he graduated Kharkiv State Technical University of Radio Electronics, specialty – information systems in management, engineer-economist, diploma of DSC EK №010607 of July 6, 2000, qualification – engineer-economist.

2000 – assistant of the Department of Economic Cybernetics,

2003 – Senior. teacher of the department of EC,

2009 – Associate Professor, Department of EC,

PhD in Economics, 08.00.04, Economics and Management of Enterprises, Diploma DK № 04551 of December 3, 2008,

Associate Professor of the Department of Economic Cybernetics, Diploma – 12 Dts № 024689 dated April 14, 2011

Educational activity

Teaches courses:

Computer Based Office Work, (in Ukrainian and English), Enterprise Finances, Modern Economic Theories (in Ukrainian and in English), Software and Intelligence System Technology (in English), Economics and Business, Management of Enterprise’s Potencial Development  (in English), Еducation practice (in English).

Researcher activity

Has more than 50 successfully defended diploma projects of students


Social activities

Head of the Trade Union Office of the Faculty of ITM University


Publications and patents

Has over 50 publications, include  author’s certificate and 3 monographs