Yuri Machekhin

Yuri Machekhin
Professor of Department of Photonic and laser engineering, Member of STC, Council, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Google Scholar ID: g_VWsh8AAAAJ
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

1971 – graduated from the Kharkov Institute of Radio Electronics (KhIRE) with a degree in Electronics and Radiophysics.
1981 – Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, defended his thesis at KhNU. Gorky
1984 – Received the title of Senior Research Fellow
2004 – received the academic title of Associate Professor at the Department of Metrology and Measuring Technology (KhIRE).
2006– Doctor technical sciences for specialty 05.11.15 metrology and metrological support.
2006 – head Department of Physical Foundations of Electronic Engineering.
2012 – professor Department of Physical Foundations of Electronic Engineering.
2015  –  head Department of “Photonics and Laser Engineering”
2018  –  head Department of Physical Foundations of Electronic Engineering.
2021-2023 – Professor of the Department of Physical Foundations of Electronic Engineering.

Educational activity

Lecture courses:

  • Nanophotonics,
  • Laser technology in nanophotonics,
  • Modern optical equipment,
  • Technology application of Laser,
  • Physics and Photonics devices

Research activities

Academician of the International Academy of Sciences of Applied Radio Electronics (2008).
Member of the editorial board of scientific and technical journals:

  • Applied radio electronics,
  • Lighting and power engineering.

Since 2003, a member of the Dissertation Council D.64.052.04.
Since 2007, a member of the Dissertation Council D.64.827.01 at the National Scientific Center “Metrology”
2007 – 2021 Head of scientific works  № 248, 267, 301, DZ / 38 and grants.

International activity / participation in international projects

1994 –participation in international exhibitions He-Ne / J2 lasers.
1998 – European COPERNICUS program No. IC15-CT96-0728
2007 p. – European program STCU # 3377
2008 p. – European program INTAS No. 06-1000024-9075


For his significant contribution to the development of metrology in 1999 he was awarded the honorary badge “For services in metrology, standardization, certification and accreditation.”
In 2010, he was awarded a diploma of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for services to the Ukrainian people.
Winner of the State Prize of Ukraine in Science and Technology, 1998

Gratitude from the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, 2020

Publications and patents

Has over 400 publications, including 7 monographs. 16 pаtents