Education and Career
1974 – Doctor of technical sciences, Kharkov National University of Radio Electronics, The Higher Moscow technical school of Bauman, 05.13.13 – computer engineering and control systems specialty. Theme of dissertation is Mathematical models of image normalization and their technical applications.
1977 – the head of the Computer Application Department (since 1999 – The Informatics Department) at the Kharkov National University of Radio Electronics.
1967 – Candidate of technical science, Kharkov National University of Radio Electronics, 05.13.13 – computer engineering specialty. Theme of dissertation is Mathematical model of color vision and their technical applications.
1968 – Associate professor of the Engineering and Computer Application Department at the Kharkov National University of Radio Electronics.
1963 – electrical engineer, Kharkov Polytechnic Institute, mathematical and counting-decisive instruments and devices specialty. Honors diploma. Theme of diploma project is Analog model of hydraulic transformer of diesel locomotive transmission
Educational activity
Mathematical Modeling, Pattern Recognition Theory, Computer Vision, Mathematical and Informational Support for Systems of Complex Signal Processing.
Researcher activity
Scientific and technical achievements: it was developed a new direction in pattern recognition based on normalization and group theory. Also Normalization algorithms of Euclidean, metrical, affine and projective groups ware created and formed the basis for the development of series of specialized technical devices with computer vision. For development of mathematical models and algorithms for the first time in the country of eighties was created multiple computer complex of parallel processing and pattern recognition.
Scientific interest: mathematical and informational models of pattern recognition and image processing.
International activity / participation in international projects
I took part in a number of international conferences in Bulgaria, Germany, Poland.
Social activities
Academician of the International Academy of Sciences of applied radio Electronics and Academy of informatics.
An editorial staff Member of journal “Bionics of intellect”, “Automated control systems and automation devices”. Vice-Chairman of the specialized Council on protection of doctoral and candidate dissertations, a member of the specialized Council on protection of doctoral dissertations, a member of the Scientific Faculty Council of the ITM.
State Awards
The honorary degree “Honored worker of science and technique of Ukraine» in 1992.
Award “The Sign on honor”. 1984 (No. 1200932). Winner of the award of Mosina S.I. for 1988 (diploma No. 1446 dated October 27, 1988).
Gold Medal, Exhibition of achievements of national economy, USSR. Order No. 999-N dated 04.12.86 (certificate No. 4399).
Bronze medal, Exhibition of achievements of national economy, USSR. Order No. 841-n-08.12.83 r. (certificate № 56623).
Awarded the first degree diploma of Regional Exhibition-fair for fundamental scientific work: ” image recognition by methods of normalization ” (diploma dated February 25, 2000).
Awarded sigh “for the scientific achievement ” (certificate № 160, Decree of the Minister of education and science of Ukraine “1000k dated 12.10.2005).
Winner of the scholarship of V.V. Sviridovin the Kharkov regional State Administration.
Publications and patents
Has over 200 publications, 12 tutorials, 5 monographs, 38 inventions and patents.