Yevhen Katiushyn

Yevhen Katiushyn
Senior researcher of PRL of Radar Observation Systems
Scopus ID: 57210424096
Documents by author:0
Total citations:0
Google Scholar ID: EV-dfwkAAAAJ
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

In 2009, graduated from the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics (NURE) with a master degree in Radio Engineering and Television Systems.

In 2009, a trainee researcher at the Department of Radio Electronic Systems (NURE).

In 2012, a researcher at the Laboratory of Surveillance Radar Systems (NURE).

In 2017, a senior researcher at the Laboratory of Surveillance Radar Systems (NURE).

Since 2021, a senior researcher at the Laboratory of Surveillance Radar Systems (NURE).

Researcher activity

Research interests:

  • adaptive space-time signal processing in the presence of interference;
  • radar detection and measurements of signal parameters in the presence of interference at radar systems of various purposes.

Publications and patents

More than 20 publications, including 1 patent.