Volodymyr Storozhenko

Volodymyr Storozhenko
Professor of the Department of Physics, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of Applied Radio Electronics, Professor
Google Scholar ID: dCRz5zwAAAAJ&hl
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

He graduated from the Electronics Department of KNURE in 1969 (then – Kharkov Institute of Radio Electronics), majoring in industrial electronics. Candidate’s thesis defended in 1980, doctoral dissertation – in 1994.

Educational activity

Lecture course – physics, for for specialties Cybersecurity, Software engineering.

Research activities

Scientific interests are physical methods of nondestructive quality control of materials and products, namely: thermal control method, thermography. In this sphere he is a famous specialist both in Ukraine and abroad (France, Canada, Germany, Hungary, etc.).

State Awards

Over the past ten years, twice was a laureate of regional competitions «Вища Освіта – кращі імена»- as the dean, and the head of the department. He was awarded the Certificate of Honor of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine “For Special Service to the Ukrainian People” (2005), as well as a medal of the Ministry of Education “Vidminnik Osvity “.

Publications and patents

He is the author of more than 160 scientific works, 2 monographs   and 6 patents.