Volodymyr Chumakov

Volodymyr Chumakov
Profesor of Design and Operation of Electronic Devices Department, Member of Specialized Scientific Council, Doctor of Technical Science, Profesor
Google Scholar ID: Jdz7zU8AAAAJ&hl
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

1977 – graduated from Kharkiv Institute of Radio Electronics (KhIRE), speciality radioengineering.

1977 – engineer of the Problem Science-Researching Laboratory of KhIRE.

1980 assistant of the Department of Radioengineering  KhIRE.

1986 engineer of NSC “Kharkiv Institute of Physics and Technology” (NSC KIPT)

1993 – PhD. Thesis defended in NSC KIPT. Specialty “Physics of charged particle beams and accelerating technique”.

1995 – Senior Researcher at the NSC KIPT.

1995 – Associate Professor of the Department of Radioengineering   KhNURE.

2000 – Head of the Department of Radioelectronic Devices KhNURE.

2001 – Doctor of Technical Sciences. Thesis defended by the Scientific Research Institute of Radioengineering measurements. Speciality radioengineering and television systems.

2005 – Professor at the Department of Radioelectronic Devices.

2010 – Head of the Department of Information Securityof the Naval Academy by of. P.S. Nakhimov (Sevastopol).

2017 – Professor of the Designing and Operation of Electronic Dfvices KhNURE

Educational activity

Teaches courses: Basis of circuits theory, Propagation of radiowaves, Introduction in Internet, Radioatimation, Radioelectronic medical devices and systems, Signals and processes in electronics, Signals receiving and processing.

Researcher activity

Researches in special branches.

01.10.2021 – 29.12.2021 – Part-time Senior Research Fellow of the problem research laboratory “Radio monitoring and processing of radio-technical information” NURE. Orders Rectors NURE №51 KN of 29/09/2021.

State Awards

Honored worker of science and technology of Ukraine.

Publications and patents

More then 270 publications. 13 patents.