Volodymyr Barannik

Volodymyr Barannik
Рrofessor of the department INE (part-time), Doctor of Technical Sciences
Scopus ID: 27867503300
Documents by author:0
Total citations:0

Education and Career

1994 – graduated from the Kharkov Military University (KMU), majoring in “Mathematical Support of Automated Control Systems”.

1994-1995 – Engineer of the computer department of the computer center.

1995-1997 – Engineer of the preparation and start-up department of military unit 30013.

  1. – Candidate of Technical Sciences with a specialization in military cybernetics, control and communication systems.

2007 – Doctor of Technical Sciences majoring in telecommunication systems and networks.

2012 – Head of the Department of Combat Application and Operation of the Automated Control System of the Kharkov National University of Air Forces named after. Ivan Kozhedub (KNUAF).

2011 – Professor at the Department of Communication Networks of KNURE.

Since 2017  – Professor at the Department of INE

Educational activity

Teaches courses: «Methods of Multimedia Data Processing»

Research activities

1997-2000 – Adjunct of the full-time KMU adjunct.

2000-2002 – Senior Engineer of the Laboratory of Information and Computing Center, KMU.

2002-2004 – Senior Researcher of the Research Laboratory of the Research Department of the Information and Computing Center, KMU.

2004-2007 – Senior Researcher of the Research Laboratory of the Department of Combat Use of Weapons of Antiaircraft Defense, KNUAF.

2007-2012 – Leading Researcher of the Research Department of the Air Force Research Center, KNUAF.

International activities / participation in international projects

Participation in international conferences

State Awards

She was awarded honorary diplomas of the Ministry of Education and Science (1982, 2009), “Outstanding Person in Education in Ukraine” (2000), the first prize in the contests “KhNURE – the best in the speciality” in the nomination “Head of the Department” (2000, 2012, 2016) and “Best Teacher” (2003-2004).

Publications and patents

Has over 400 publications, including monographs, an inventor`s certificate. Has over 30 inventor`s certificate