Volodimir Karnaushenko

Volodimir Karnaushenko
Senior Lecturer of Department of Microelectronics, Electronic Devices and Appliances
Google Scholar ID: 60AkdNQAAAAJ
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

In 1979 enrolled in the Kharkiv Institute of Radio Electronics. Graduated from Kharkiv Institute of Radio Electronics specialty “Electronic devices”. 2002 – assistant at MEDA department, 2008 – senior lecturer, 2009 – associate professor.

Educational activity

Teaches courses: physical bases of sensor, microelectronic sensors and converters, IC’s and semiconductor devices design, signal theory and instrumentation, measuring sensors and converters, bases of microsensors.

Researcher activity

As part of the state budget R & D was involved in research projects of department.

International activity / participation in international projects

From 2008 participated in the project of STM university program

Publications and patents

Не has over 30 publications.